Dental issues may be inconvenient and even dangerous to your oral health. Allowing dental problems to go untreated for an extended period causes irreversible damage to your teeth, necessitating more extensive and expensive treatment.

Poor oral health can affect the rest of your body, including your overall health and beauty. Several factors can cause dental issues like poor oral hygiene, genetics, lack of fluoride intake, and even diseases related to your immune and cardiovascular system.

Here are six common dental emergencies that need immediate attention:

1. Bleeding or Swollen Gums

Bleeding or swollen gums can signal infections like gingivitis, which affects the gums. When not treated immediately, it can lead to periodontitis or tooth loss. It can also trigger bleeding gums by brushing too hard or flossing with a thin string to remove the plaque.

If your gums are bleeding, avoid rinsing your mouth with a high-powered stream of water. Using a soft-bristled toothbrush to massage your gums gently may help stop the bleeding.

If swelling is severe and accompanied by an aching tooth, you may want to see a dentist for the appropriate treatment.

2. Broken Tooth

A broken tooth or chipped tooth refers to a cracked or fractured tooth. It can be caused by a sports injury or prolonged exposure to excessive force. A broken tooth must be treated immediately to avoid further damage from the trauma. You may not even be aware that you have a fractured tooth unless you experience pain and sensitivity.

It may not need a root canal treatment. However, you may need a crown, dental filling, or an inlay or onlay – a type of dental restoration, to fix your broken tooth.

3. Unbearable Toothache

This dental emergency takes a patient’s pain tolerance to a whole new level. The pain can be due to several dental issues, including a cavity, abscess, cyst, or infection resulting from tooth decay and gum disease.

If you experience a toothache, do not wait for the pain to go away. It can spread deeper into your jaw and even into your ears, causing severe pain and infections. Get in touch with a dentist as soon as possible for treatment.

4. Sensitive Teeth

Sensitive teeth are a common issue for many people. Sensitivity can be caused by teeth grinding, clenching, or using specific toothpaste or toothbrushes.

Tooth sensitivity may also signal a deeper issue of gum recession or misalignment. You may require a deep cleaning treatment to get your teeth back in line. Until then, you will need to take care to brush your teeth and gums gently.

5. Mouth Ulcer

Mouth ulcers are usually caused by heat, injuries, infections, and diseases. They are more commonly found in people who have a compromised immune system due to conditions like HIV and AIDS and those who have diabetes and are undergoing chemotherapy.

6. Bad Breath

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, can be caused by many factors. It usually happens when bacteria in your mouth interact with the food debris and produce a foul odor. Other common factors are smoking, dry mouth, or gum disease.


Several dental emergencies can occur at any time, even to those with excellent oral health. Maintaining good oral health is not as difficult as it sounds. It is a matter of understanding what you can do to keep your teeth and gums healthy and knowing when you need to see a dentist for treatment.

If you’re experiencing the emergencies mentioned above, it would be best to consult a dentist immediately.

Chelmsford Dental Specialists Group is here for you if you need an emergency dentist in Chelmsford! We have been well-known as a leading family dentist in Central Massachusetts, dedicated and committed to helping patients manage and improve their oral health. Visit us now!