By and large, teeth have a naturally pale white shade. Sure, it may not be eggshell or snow-white, but flash those during a picture, and they’ll still shine! Just brush your teeth, floss, and garble once daily to maintain your teeth’s natural sheen.

However, sometimes regular oral hygiene doesn’t cut it; there’s something permanently marked on your tooth, or its natural whiteness isn’t showing. If you’re suffering from the following instances, you’ll need cosmetic dentistry to whiten your teeth:


While age may just be a number, did you know that every year that number increases, your body changes, including your teeth?

Just as your lifestyle may take a toll on other parts of your body, it can do the same for your teeth. This includes the foods you eat, your environment, or other habits you may have. The color of your teeth is also affected by how well and often you brush them.

However, even meticulous brushing doesn’t always prevent yellowing due to aging. Discoloration is something that occurs as your teeth age along with the rest of your body. 

There are many activities you can do to counteract the aging process. You can also consider cosmetic dentistry to reduce the effects of aging teeth.

Obvious Discoloration

You probably look in the mirror every day while getting ready. It’s one of the times you won’t help but notice your teeth, especially while brushing them every day. And while you may not have anyone or anything to compare them to, sometimes variations in your tooth color can be very noticeable. 

Yellow teeth are a crucial indicator of discoloration, whether you drink colored liquids or smoke. It’s also a sign that it may be time to consider teeth whitening via cosmetic dentistry. 

Oral Hygiene Difficulty

Your daily habits and the hectic pace of your life may affect your ability to take good care of your teeth. You’re probably unable to floss, brush, or gargle often. That’s why teeth whitening treatment may help. It can assist in keeping your dental hygiene in check.

Many dentists recommend that you whiten your teeth once every quarter. This provides an excellent opportunity for you to get a dental check-up.

This will ensure you catch any issues with your teeth or gums early. You can then have the necessary procedures to resolve them. Regular check-ups and teeth whitening treatments can ensure your teeth look great and are healthy.

Unhealthy Lifestyles

Nicotine and cigarette tar can affect your tooth color if you’re a smoker. Cigarettes can also have many other adverse effects on oral health. These will also include:

If you find it difficult to kick the habit, you may want to consider tooth whitening. This can reduce the discoloring effects of nicotine and tar.

Book Your Appointment for Cosmetic Dentistry in Chelmsford

Need teeth whitening pronto? Visit Chelmsford Dental Specialists Group for cosmetic dentistry in Chelmsford! Headed by Dr. Michael Sargent, we are committed to improving and maintaining patients’ oral health. Book your appointment today!